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Solar Power  

Solar Energy

“Use of solar energy is near a solution”. This was the headline in the New York Times on April 4th, 1931. It turned out to be a premonition of the best kind. Eighty years later electricity using solar energy is being supplied to many areas of the world. As our non-renewable resources are set to decline in the years to come, it is important for us to move towards renewable sources of energy like...

Total Members: 442
Vote Totals: 3983

Reduce Welfare  

“Our aim is not only to relieve the symptom of poverty, but to cure it and, above all, to prevent it.” President Lyndon B. Johnson inspired a nation with these words as he launched the War on Poverty. In the five decades since this ‘war’ began, $25 trillion has been spent, but poverty rates have not budged, and millions of Americans find themselves in the ‘Welfare Trap’ unable to escape their financial dependence on the U. S....

Total Members: 301
Vote Totals: 3819

Increase Female Entrepreneurs  

Women are good for business, in the U.S. and worldwide. Women start companies at 1.5 times the average rate in the United States. Women entrepreneurs in the United States rank their happiness at nearly three times that of women who are not entrepreneurs or established business owners. There are just over 9 million women-owned companies in the United States. And they are growing, driving the robust economy, inventing new solutions, and employing millions of people...

Total Members: 1202
Vote Totals: 8678


Reducing Obesity  

Obesity is not a life sentence.

Over the past decades, rates of obesity have soared worldwide and particularly in developing countries. There are many reasons for this change, but one of the main causes is poor nutrition. Most people know how to live a healthy lifestyle, but the prevalence of unhealthy foods exacerbates the issue. Many deaths each year are a result of preventable diseases caused by obesity.  Heart disease, breathing problems, and Type 2...

Total Members: 521
Vote Totals: 4609

Financial Inclusion  

"We want our money safer than our selfies" - PayPal

Money. We all need it, we all want more, and we all want to keep what we have and make it grow. But for millions of unbanked people worldwide, fear of loss, financial insecurity, distance and negative banking history keep them out of the financial system. Unable to borrow money, earn interest on savings,...

Total Members: 104
Vote Totals: 2371

Government Inefficiency  

“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.” -Bill Gates

Technology genius and global philanthropist Bill Gates gets it right. While technology and automation can make operations more efficient, technology alone is not the answer. Governments worldwide are still operating at a high...

Total Members: 632
Vote Totals: 6173



The way we operate as a global society has a direct impact on our environment.  The creation of energy, development of land, production of goods, transportation, disposal of waste, and much more have a natural cost. These polluting processes threaten the health of our air, water, & land. Too often political and corporate interests focus on short-sighted profit over global health, stifling clean energy development and policy.

Our planet is facing an environmental crisis...

Total Members: 272
Vote Totals: 379

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